Categories, Cost centres, Cost units and projects
How to add categories?
In Klippa you can use categories to make a distinction in the expenses. In addition, you can link them directly to your general ledgers and VAT codes for easy administration! Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Click on "Categories". You can either add categories manually or import in bulk. Further instructiSome readersHow to add cost centers?
Make sure you are logged in in the Klippa Web App (https://app.klippa.Some readersHow to add cost units?
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with Admin rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Click on the tab for Cost units You can either add cost units manually or import in bulk in the upper right. Further instructions are given in the Klippa iPopularHow to add projects?
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Click on the tab for Projects. You can either add projects manually or import in bulk in the upper right. Further instructions are given in the Klippa interfacSome readers
Business rules and authorisation flows
How to add an authorization flow?
With an authorization flow you choose one approver or a combination of approvers who can approve transactions in Klippa. An authorization flow can be triggered in various ways: Automatically when saving a transaction through a business rule, read in this article how to set up business rules for your expense process and in this article how to do this for your invoice proFew readersHow to add a business rule for invoices?
A business rule is a rule that allows you to perform certain actions automatically under certain conditions, such as changing the status of an invoice, sending notifications and triggering an authorization flow. In this article, we'll cover a business rule that triggers an authorization flow.Few readersHow to add a business rule for expenses?
A business rule is a rule that allows you to perform certain actions automatically under certain conditions, such as changing the status of an expense, sending notifications and starting an authorization flow. In this article, we'llFew readers
What do the user roles in Klippa mean?
Klippa users can have different roles. But what exactly do those roles mean? In this article we explain what these roles mean and what the different users can do. It is possible to assign users multiple roles. Expenses Expense submitter: a user with this role can submit expenses viaSome readersHow can I delete a user?
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Then click on Company Settings / Users. Click on the user you want to delete. ClicFew readersHow to send a new activation email to a new user?
Have you added a user (link to article: How to add one or multiple user(s)?), but this person has not yet activated the account? Then send a new activation e-mail using the steps below: Navigate the menu to Settings and then company, under Company settings / Users. On the right, you can see if the user has activated the account. In the example below, the new user has not yet activated the account. CFew readersHow to add a user to a group?
Why do we add users to groups? So that users can select specific values when submitting an expense. So that you can configure in the business rules which authorization flow applies to a group of users. Make sure you are logged into the Klippa Web App as a user with ''admin'' rights. Navigate iFew readersHow to add one or multiple user(s)?
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Click on the tab for "Users" in the company settings and click on "Add" in the upper right. Fill in the details of the new user and finally click on "Create". TPopularHow to import users?
We advice you to use our import method if you want to add a large amount of users at once. Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with admin rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Choose in the Company settings tab for Users and click Import or Add in the upper right. Instructions on how to create an import file are given in the Klippa interface.Some readersHow to add groups?
In Klippa it is possible to divide your employees over groups. For instance, you could create a group and link to a different value (i.e., category, cost center, cost unit, payment method, project) to only show relevant field whenever an employee submits their expense. Furthermore, groups can be used in the authorization flows and business rules. Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to SettingsSome readersHow to activate the account of a new user?
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Then click on Company Settings / Users. Select the users whose account you want to activate. Click on the button Edit. ( readersHow to add an existing Klippa user to my company environment?
How to add an existing Klippa user to my company environment? Make sure you are logged into the Klippa Web App with your account as a user withadmin rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings. Then click on Company Settings / Users and in the top right corner click the green button with Add. (https:/Few readersHow to set user roles?
Klippa users can have different roles, that determine their permissions to perform certain actions in the application. In this article we explain how you can assign roles to users. Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a userSome readers
How to change the notification settings for my company?
In Klippa you can send automatic e-mail notifications to users who need to perform an action in Klippa. You can determine the frequency and time of the e-mail notifications yourself. Users with an approver role will receive a notification when transactions in their to do list ready for approval. Users with a finance role will receive a notification when there are transactions in their to do list with the status submitted and/or approved ready to be processed. These notifications are notFew readersHow to create an export template in Klippa for my company?
In Klippa it is possible to create an export template and choose it when exporting data from Klippa. There are different types of exports. It depends on the modules that your company has purchased which exports you cFew readersHow to set a default currency for an administration?
If want to process all transactions of an administration in one specific currency, but a significant amount of documents are scanned in one or more foreign currencies, it is useful to set a default currency for your administration. In this way, submitters are forced to convert the amounts on documents into the default currency of your administration. In this article we explain how you this can be configured. Make sure youFew readersHow to set up e-mail forwarding for Outlook?
Fortunately, almost all invoices nowadays come in via email. We recommend maintaining a dedicated invoice mailbox where suppliers can send invoices. If you occasionally receive an invoice in a personal or finance mailbox, you simply forward it to this invoice mailbox. In Klippa you can easily add received invoices to Klippa by forwarding them to your Klippa invoice e-mail address. In this article we explain how you can set up that all your incoming invoices in an Outlook mailbox can be automatiFew readersHow to set up e-mail forwarding for Gmail?
Fortunately, almost all invoices nowadays come in via email. We recommend maintaining a dedicated invoice mailbox where suppliers can send invoices. If you occasionally receive an invoice in a personal or finance mailbox, you simply forward it to this invoice mailbox. In Klippa you can easily add received invoices to Klippa by forwarding them to your Klippa invoice e-mail address. In this article we explain how you can set up that all your incoming invoices in a Gmail mailbox can be automaticalFew readersHow to create multiple Klippa invoice e-mail addresses?
A large part of the invoices today probably arrive digitally in your finance mailbox. You can easily add these invoices to Klippa by forwarding them to your Klippa invoice e-mail address. You can create multiple e-mail addresses so that you can, for example, assign the invoices to the correct administration. In this article we explain how you can create oneFew readersHow do I use the statistics dashboard?
Make sure you are logged into the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin or finance" rights. In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now on the company statistics dashboard. The statistics dashboard provides an overview of: the totalFew readers