How to add projects?
If Klippa is integrated with your accounting system, we automatically synchronize the projects that you created.
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights.
In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings.
Click on the tab for Projects. You can either add projects manually or import in bulk in the upper right. Further instructions are given in the Klippa interface.

Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights.
In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings.
Click on the tab for Projects. You can either add projects manually or import in bulk in the upper right. Further instructions are given in the Klippa interface.

Updated on: 26/02/2024
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