How to activate the account of a new user?
Note: this action is only possible for a user with admin rights.
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights.
In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings.
Then click on Company Settings / Users.
Select the users whose account you want to activate.
Click on the button Edit.

In the field Active, select Yes. When you press Edit, the selected users will immediately receive an invitation to activate their Klippa account.

Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights.
In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. You are now in the company account settings.
Then click on Company Settings / Users.
Select the users whose account you want to activate.
Click on the button Edit.

In the field Active, select Yes. When you press Edit, the selected users will immediately receive an invitation to activate their Klippa account.

Updated on: 02/06/2023
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