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Card reports
Tutorials and support articles for card reports
Submit card reports
How to add documents to your card transactions?
The credit card transactions are imported by a Finance user on a regular basis. Each import leads to a separate card report. Make sure you are logged in to the Web App. Navigate to My reports in the left menu. Click on Card. You ar
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How to submit a card report using the Web App?
In this article we explain how to submit your card report. Make sure you are logged in to the Web App. Navigate to My reports in the left menu. Click on Card. You are now in the card reports overvi
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How to re-submit a card expense with status incomplete in the Web App?
Make sure you are logged in to the Web App. Navigate to My reports in the left menu. Click on Card. You are now in the card reports overview. Click on the report with the status Incomplete. Click on the expense with the status Incomplete. If a comment has been given, you can see why the expense is incomplete. Adjust the expense according to th
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How to save a receipt when the statement is not yet available?
Make sure you are logged in with your account in the Klippa Web App. Navigate to Saved receipts in the left menu. Click on Add receipt at the top right. You
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How do I edit a card report on the Klippa Web App?
Make sure you are logged into the Klippa web App Navigate to My reports and click on Card 3. Choose a report you want to edit 4. Within this report, click on the extra options (three dots) and press Edit report (
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Approve card reports
How to approve card expenses in the Klippa Web App?
Make sure you are logged in to the Web App. Navigate to Manage reports in the left menu. Click on Card. In your to do list you will find an overview of reports that you have to approve. Click on the report you want to approve. You will now see the overview of the expenses in this report. (
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Upload statement
ICS, ING, HSBC, Amex credit card module: How can I upload a credit card statement?
Ensure that you are logged into the Klippa Web App as a user with a finance role. In the menu of the left, navigate to manage reports and click on cards. In the top right corner of the screen, click import transactions. (htt
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ICS, ING, HSBC, Amex credit card module: How can I link incomplete users to an existing Klippa user?
In this article we explain how to link an incomplete user to an existing Klippa user. When a new statement is uploaded, an incomplete user is created. This corresponds to the user's name on the credit card statement. To ensure that every Klippa user sees his/her own transacti
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