How to re-connect with Exact Online?
Note: only the administrator (user with an admin role in Klippa) of the Klippa account can re-establish the connection with Exact Online.
In which cases does the connection need to be re-established?
You want to adjust the Exact Online profile with which the connection was made. For example: a SYSTEM user instead of an employee user account).
You want to adjust the permissions. For example: you have given permission to synchronise one administration and now want to synchronise multiple administrations.
When re-connecting, the account configuration regarding the synchronised data is retained. For example, the general ledger accounts linked to categories.
To re-establish the link, you must first revoke the current permissions in Exact Online. Read more about App permissions on Exact's support page
Note: You must have the Manage License role to manage apps for all users. Check whether you and other users have access rights to the administrations for which you want to manage app access. See Your rights in Exact Online.
Log in to Exact Online. The page Overview > App permissions allows you to revoke permissions from apps per user or administration.
Navigate to User name > My Exact Online > Security centre.

Then scroll all the way down to the page Overview | App permissions. Here you can see which administrations are synchronised to Klippa.
Click on Revoke for the correct application.

You can then disconnect and reconnect the connection in Klippa:
Open the Klippa Webb App and on the menu on the left, navigate to the Company settings.
The Company settings you will find multiple menu items. Click on Company settings > Connections.
In the overview of the connections, look for Exact Online and click on Disconnect.
Search for Exact Online again and click on connect. You will now be redirected to the Exact login page.
Warning: Use the login details of an Exact Online account with at least the following rights for the administration that will be used in Klippa:
System: Create and change administration-related electronic messages.
Financial bookings: Enter, edit and delete bookings.
The rights per user can be found in Exact Online by navigating to Master data > Users > Overview.
Enter your Exact Online username and password here.

Select the administrations you would like to use in Klippa.
Then grant permission and press save. The connection is now successfully established.
In which cases does the connection need to be re-established?
You want to adjust the Exact Online profile with which the connection was made. For example: a SYSTEM user instead of an employee user account).
You want to adjust the permissions. For example: you have given permission to synchronise one administration and now want to synchronise multiple administrations.
When re-connecting, the account configuration regarding the synchronised data is retained. For example, the general ledger accounts linked to categories.
To re-establish the link, you must first revoke the current permissions in Exact Online. Read more about App permissions on Exact's support page
Note: You must have the Manage License role to manage apps for all users. Check whether you and other users have access rights to the administrations for which you want to manage app access. See Your rights in Exact Online.
Log in to Exact Online. The page Overview > App permissions allows you to revoke permissions from apps per user or administration.
Navigate to User name > My Exact Online > Security centre.

Then scroll all the way down to the page Overview | App permissions. Here you can see which administrations are synchronised to Klippa.
Click on Revoke for the correct application.

You can then disconnect and reconnect the connection in Klippa:
Open the Klippa Webb App and on the menu on the left, navigate to the Company settings.
The Company settings you will find multiple menu items. Click on Company settings > Connections.
In the overview of the connections, look for Exact Online and click on Disconnect.
Search for Exact Online again and click on connect. You will now be redirected to the Exact login page.
Warning: Use the login details of an Exact Online account with at least the following rights for the administration that will be used in Klippa:
System: Create and change administration-related electronic messages.
Financial bookings: Enter, edit and delete bookings.
The rights per user can be found in Exact Online by navigating to Master data > Users > Overview.
Enter your Exact Online username and password here.

Select the administrations you would like to use in Klippa.
Then grant permission and press save. The connection is now successfully established.
Updated on: 03/02/2025
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