How to exchange the currency for an expense in the Klippa Web App?
If you have submitted an expense in a foreign currency, we recognize the currency on the document and can convert this currency into the currency of your company. In this article we explain how you can do this.
Tip: First read this article on how to submit an expense.
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App.
In the left menu, navigate to My expenses and then click on Add at the top right. Add the expense here.
Now scroll down and turn on the Exchange currency slider. The amount is now converted from the foreign currency to your home currency.
Tip: You can also choose from and to which currency you want to convert. To do this, adjust the currency fields at Document currency and Amount.

Click on Save, the expense has now been submitted with the correct currency and the correct converted amount.
Tip: Do you want to know how to exchange the currency on an expense in the mobile Klippa App? Then read this article.
Tip: Do you want to know how to exchange the currency on an invoice in the Klippa Web App? Then read this article.
Tip: Do you have an admin role and do you want to change the default currency of an administration? Then read this article.
Tip: First read this article on how to submit an expense.
Make sure you are logged in to the Klippa Web App.
In the left menu, navigate to My expenses and then click on Add at the top right. Add the expense here.
Now scroll down and turn on the Exchange currency slider. The amount is now converted from the foreign currency to your home currency.
Tip: You can also choose from and to which currency you want to convert. To do this, adjust the currency fields at Document currency and Amount.

Click on Save, the expense has now been submitted with the correct currency and the correct converted amount.
Tip: Do you want to know how to exchange the currency on an expense in the mobile Klippa App? Then read this article.
Tip: Do you want to know how to exchange the currency on an invoice in the Klippa Web App? Then read this article.
Tip: Do you have an admin role and do you want to change the default currency of an administration? Then read this article.
Updated on: 24/01/2024
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