Articles on: Creditcard statements
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Getting started: Credit Card statements

In this helpdesk article we explain how the company environment should be set up in order to make optimal use of the credit card module.

The credit card module is an add-on to the expense module of Klippa SpendControl. In addition to submitting expenses paid in advance by an employee, an employee can also submit receipts & invoices paid with a corporate credit card. Klippa users with a Finance role can upload the credit card statements of the creditcards monthly in the credit card module, after which the credit card transactions are automatically matched against the submitted receipts and invoices.

Important: The credit card module is linked to the expense module and not to the invoice module.

Set up payment methods

By configuring payment methods, employees are able to indicate whether an expense was paid privately or paid with a business credit card. You can set this up as follows:

Note: this action is only possible for a user with admin rights.

Make sure you are logged in with your account in the Klippa Web App as a user with "admin" rights.

In the left menu, navigate to Settings and then Company. Then navigate to Payment Methods. You are now in the settings of the payment methods.

Click on Add at the top right, you can now add a payment method. By means of the Name, Code and Description fields, relevant information can be shown to employees who must select a payment method when submitting an expense. With the groups you can determine which user groups see a created payment method. Finally, don't forget to set the Payment Method to Active.

Important: It is advisable to create one payment method for expenses that have been privately paid and to link it to the group All users. In addition, it is advisable to create a separate payment method for each credit card and to link it to the user group that should see the payment method (read; the group that uses the credit card).

Important: It is advisable to create one payment method for expenses that have been privately paid and to link it to the group All users. In addition, it is advisable to create a separate payment method for each credit card and to link it to the user group that should see the payment method (read; the group that uses the credit card). In this article you can read how to add users to groups. If you leave the "groups" field empty, no one can choose this payment method.

When you have filled all relevant fields, click on Add.

Note: can you not see the option to select a payment method when submitting a creditcard expense? Make sure the option "Payment info" is turned on in your company settings.

Create accounting relation in accounting system

The approved expenses with the credit card payment method must be booked on a credit card accounting relationship in the accounting system. It is recommended to create an accounting relation per credit card. With the monthly debit from the credit card via the bank, the outstanding purchase entries can be efficiently reconciled against the bank statement.

Tip: Curious about how you can submit expenses paid with a credit card? Then read this article

Updated on: 11/01/2023

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